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September 2015
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Computer Networking and Telecommunications Research

mi-Guide @school

Spoken Word – Spreading the word

The activities and teacher’s notes for the Spoken Word unit can be downloaded separately by clicking on the links below.  Alternatively, you can Download all mi-Guide@School Spoken Word activity sheets (zip file,10.0MB)


Introduction to the Spoken Word unit
Spoken Word Introduction

The early years of radio

Who actually developed radio and when did it become useful for ordinary people?
The early years of radio Activity Sheet
The early years of radio Teacher’s Notes

Making a speaker

Every radio has a loudspeaker to convert electrical signals into sound.  Make your own speaker and try to improve the sounds coming from it.
Making your own speaker Activity Sheet
Making your own speaker Teacher’s Notes

Catch me on my mobile

You’ve probably got a mobile phone... many people have two!  Construct a survey to find out how people use their mobiles.  And how they choose which one to buy in the first place.
Catch me on my mobile Activity Sheet
Catch me on my mobile Teacher’s Notes

Mobile millions

So how many mobile phones are there in the whole world?  This activity will give you some clues.
Mobile millions Activity Sheet
Mobile millions Teacher’s Notes

Words with power

The story of how a radio play caused panic in New York.  People thought the Earth was being invaded by Martians.  Can you develop your won radio broadcast that can produce the same powerful reaction?
Words with power Activity Sheet
Words with power Teacher’s Notes