Engaging with Communications
From the development of spoken language and early cave paintings, communications in all of its forms has enabled humankind and society to develop and prosper The story of communications, how it functions, what its capabilities are and how it impacts on society is both a fascinating and exciting one. Given the significance of communications technology in today’s world we believe that it is important for people young and old to have an awareness of how the technology functions and what it can do for you
Our goal is through this website and the activities it describes, to raise awareness of communications technology across a broad range of age groups Why not attend one of our lectures or watch one on-line. You could always come along to a Family Telecommunications Day. Visit the new Connecting Manchester Gallery at the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester and see how communications has played an essential part in the development and growth of Manchester Use our innovative mi-Guide system to take you around the Gallery and to learn more about the exhibits on show Find out more about the history of communications and see how technology has evolved Why not take part in one of our surveys and tell us how important communications is to you.
This work is led by the Computer Networking and Telecommunications Research Group at the University of Salford in partnership with the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester, SETPOINT Greater Manchester and BT Connected Earth If you would like more information then do please get in touch with us through our contact page.
We are grateful to the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) who are sponsoring our work through their Partnerships for Public Engagement programme as projects EP/D504686/1 and EP/F027729/1.